We reached our Pozible target!

Thank you SO MUCH to everybody who supported our Pozible campaign. Your generous donations enabled us to make over $2500, well exceeding our original target of $1500!

This money will make a big difference towards our printing costs and paying our contributors. It also helps us to pay it forward and leave some money in the budget for the 2019 Visible Ink team.

So give yourself a massive pat on the back – and the next time someone tries to tell you that you’re a terrible person, you can look them in the eye and say, “Well I support local artists and creativity and new Australian writing and student projects and THE FUTURE OF BOOKS AND PUBLISHING – what do YOU do, Karen?”

Seriously, though. Thanks heaps.


Where to buy Visible Ink 30: Trace


Two weeks to go: BOOK LAUNCH Friday 2 Nov at Captain Melville from 6pm